Hello! I'm a Berlin-based illustrator, graphic recorder, and designer.

Alongside my creative work, I've had the pleasure of teaching illustration at both the University of Applied Sciences Mainz and the Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt.

My educational journey includes a Bachelor's degree in Communication Design BA from the University of Applied Sciences Mainz, complemented by studies at the Académie des Beaux-Arts in Brussels. I expanded my expertise with a Master's degree in Illustration from HAW Hamburg, while working for various clients.

In addition to my commissioned work, I fulfill a role as a mentor within a mentoring program in Berlin.

Proud to be a recipient of the American Illustration 38 Award.

Portrait of Barbara Ott


  • The New Yorker
  • New York Times
  • Apple
  • Google
  • Etsy
  • Adobe
  • Oprah Magazine
  • Pentagram Design
  • Berlin Philharmonics
  • Neue Zürcher Zeitung
  • Eltern Magazin
  • Psychologie Heute
  • Focus
  • Spiegel
  • Chrismon
  • Enorm
  • Stern
  • Babbel
  • Brigitte Magazin
  • KPM Berlin
  • etc.


  • 2018
    American Illustration
    Manhattan, NYC
  • 2016
    Comicfestival Hamburg
  • 2015
    Thomas Mann Museum
    Lübeck, Germany
  • 2013
    Rüsselsheim, Germany
  • 2011
    The Sketchbook Project
    Brooklyn, NYC
  • 2009
    Prima Septembris
    Breslau, Poland


  • 2024
    Talk for Västra Nylands Folkhögskola Finnland
  • 2023
    Talk for Västra Nylands Folkhögskola Finnland
  • 2020
    Online talk for Adobe Live
    Adobe Germany
  • 2017
    Talk at Spezialmaterial
    HAW Hamburg
  • 2016
    Illustration Workshop
    FH Mainz
  • 2013
    Illustration Workshop
    FH Mainz


  • 2024
    Mentor at L@work Berlin
  • 2019
    Lecturer for Illustration at FHWS Würzburg
  • 2018
    Lecturer for Illustration at FHWS Würzburg
  • 2017
    Lecturer for Editorial Illustration at FH Mainz