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Augustin Vienna

Cover and Illustrations for Augustin Boulevardzeitung Vienna.

Taxi, Uber, Bolt. To stop price dumping in the taxi business, Labour unions and taxi drivers work together. Many Uber drivers who were at risk of poverty before, can feel the effects of this conflict.

As platforms like Uber are particularly low-threshold possibilities to find work for a lot of people, the fight between Uber and the taxi business isn’t always black and white.

Did you know? Sometimes there’s one passenger in 3 hours which makes 10€ and sometimes you can make 20€ per hour. It always depends on how much demand there is.  

Uber drivers get 50% of the price their clients pay. The other 50% go to Uber and the car rental company that Uber works with.

For Augustin Boulevardzeitung about taxi drivers fighting against Uber to keep their business fair.

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